On the Night Stand


I recently finished the greatly anticipated novel by Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed. For the millions who read Eat, Pray, Love, it doesn't exactly have the same energy and intrigue, however it's still interesting. A continuation of the love story that developed in Eat, Pray, Love, Gilbert brings up many insightful thoughts on the institution of marriage while digging into it's history. In that regard, it was educational on some level. Though, she does explain she isn't an expert on the topic. If anything, she myth busts many of the beliefs we are fed regarding marriage. A quick read.

On tap next is The Palace of Illusions, by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. Since I'm in India, I was really feeling a good fictional read by an Indian author. I've read several books by Divakaruni and have thoroughly enjoyed them. This one so far has really peeked my interested and I find myself looking forward to picking it up whenever I get the chance.

2 Insightful Comments:

1. Tracy said...

well..of course you already know I have read the second book! ;~D

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Of course!!! xoxox


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