Astāvakrāsana A


7 Insightful Comments:

1. Boodiba said...

That's an interesting entry!! I'm going to try that. I see you pick your head up to bring it back in too. I used to lift WAY up & Rolf stopped me, last winter. He wanted me to put my head on the floor before I started reeling everything in at all. That makes it so much harder! I've adopted a compromise lately.

2. ArkieYogini said...

Thank you for sharing all these videos. You make the transitions look so graceful.

3. peaceloveyoga said...

@ Boodiba - I feel lifting up is more challenging, strength wise. I guess it doesn't matter how you enter as long as the feet don't touch the floor, lol. I dunno, I've never been busted on this posture, but then again, I'm primarily a home practitioner. :)

@ ArkieYogini - Thank you, it's been fun "producing" very amateur videos! :)

4. Boodiba said...

Yes it depends on the teacher! Rolf tweaked me a LOT in the arm balances. Was very particular. No one else has ever had a problem w/ the Astavakrasana exits.

The thing with planting the head is, it makes it a lot harder to unthread the legs.

5. peaceloveyoga said...

Yah. Good stuff. Nice to experiment with various approaches. I've tried and practiced just about everything, and like the flowing approach of lifting. Guess it never hurts to diversify. :)

6. KMB said...

Hi Peaceloveyoga - thank you for sharing! How did you learn the initial hop to headstand? Is it more about timing or is there a lot of resistance provided with the arms and shoulders? I'm struggling with it for the headstands in 2nd...mostly fear of the head-bump I think but it could be strength I'm lacking too. Again thanks, these are beautiful videos :-)

7. peaceloveyoga said...

Learning to jump into headstand was one of those things I just tried, and managed with a bit of trepidation. Yes. You want to put as much weight in the arms as possible so you land on the head lightly. A good mat is key. Don't try the first time on a really thin mat.

There's no jumping into headstand in 2nd Series so not to worry. Continue practicing the 7 headstands and with time the upper body strengthen.


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