Koundinyāsana A


6 Insightful Comments:

1. Boodiba said...

Beautiful!! Do you know I think of your Astavakrasana every time I go into A, because you get into it much more gracefully than I do. I always think I should try it your way, but in the end laziness wins out & I just get through it. I am glad I don't have to do any arm balances today! Happy Friday :)

2. peaceloveyoga said...

I seen many of your videos and I truly think your practice is great. You've got spunk, STRENGTH, and energy that's delightful. That's what so awesome about Ashtanga - it may be the same practice but there is still so much variety in the approach and interpretation of it.

Thank you!

3. Boodiba said...

Awww thanks :) Another great thing about Astanga is that you never run out of things to work on.

4. Unknown said...

what amazing core strength. Wow. New follower, looking forward to more!

5. Andrea Livingston said...

Beautiful!!! Now I have to follow your blog...love it!

6. peaceloveyoga said...

@ Boodiba - Soooo true. It's endless. :)

@ Anna & Andrea - WELCOME !!! xoxox


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