Vist to the Blue Lagoon {Relaxing Magic}


The other day I finally made it to the Blue Lagoon. What an amazing place. We soaked for nearly two hours in the psychedelic, ice blue, colored water. All natural, of course, the geothermal heated pool is a combination of sea water, and fresh water filled with minerals, especially silica. When in, it almost has a milky texture. Incredibly relaxing and healing.

Even the drive over from Reykjavik was a bit surreal. The spa sits about half way between Reyki, and Kevlafik International airport. With an expanse of old lava fields, they stretch for miles and miles. Absolutely stunning. Captures the imagination for sure.

3 Insightful Comments:

1. Unknown said...

these photos are amazing. New follower, looking forward to your posts.

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Thanks for stopping by!

3. Stan said...

It looks so beautiful there. I love your photos. Sounds like you are having an incredible time!


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