Chaos Order - Order Chaos


"At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet."

6 Insightful Comments:

1. Boodiba said...

That's beautiful!! Especially the love part. I can only live vicariously in that, but I have a deep respect for it.

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Thank you, Boodiba. Ha! I can't take the credit. I really go lucky with this one!!!

3. Claudia said...

How interesting that you can find solace on the work you love and private space too, yet still maintain the relationship, beautiful!. By the way, I am truly enjoying your videos, thank you!

4. Boodiba said...

Well it's fun, warm & fuzzy. I like it. I may be an old lady, but at least I'm not a BITTER, old lady :)

5. Ahu said...

seeing you write about dark times gives me hope. you look so fresh and in peace, i would never think of you in darkness... thanks for sharing...

6. peaceloveyoga said...

@ Boodiba - Hahaha. You are FAR from old. :)

@ Claudia - Thank you. :)

@ Ahu - Ahhh. I've spent many, many, many days in darkness ... months even! I find the practice of yoga does not hinder them but allows me to embrace my darkness as well as my light ...


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