The volcano isn't the only thing erupting around here! There's a creativity boom in Reykjavik. Amazing. With a population at a mere 120, 000, it probably has one of the highest percentage of artists and creative minds in the world. Though my findings are far from scientific I'm impressed by the creative energy bubbling around these parts.
The main street in Reykjavik, Laugavegur, hosts an abundance of private label fashion boutiques, teaming with their very own fashion designers. I don't know about you but I was highly impressed by this. Being a fashion merchandising major in college I can appreciate what all this entails. I love and appreciate what unique fashion tastes bring to the table, and I have to say in Iceland, I've gotten a taste of what it's all about. With a mixture of off beat presentation, and awkward coordination, from what I've seen it works beautifully, and somehow always pulled off as c-h-i-c, chic!. I love, love, love it.
I know, I'm sounding like I work for the tourism board of Iceland. However, being an avid admirer of all things artistic and creative I love the vibe of possibility this community supports. It's a wonderful thing.
Along with finding unique and fashionable digs, Reykjavik has an alive music scene, plenty of art galleries, and museums to check out. The way I heard it, with the extremes of weather and the darkness during the winter, I guess the energy has to go somewhere. Why not towards creating something interesting, beautiful and thought-provoking? Better than the alternative.
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