

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."

11 Insightful Comments:

1. Boodiba said...

I had such a renewed infatuation with NYC when I got home. I bought some NY themed t-shirt at Union Square and gushed about how much I love the city. The artist / designer asked me where I'm from, and I had to admit I've lived here 20 years. Then I felt silly.

I hope you post some pix of where you are going. Sounds really cool. And you'll be home before you know it!

2. Grimmly said...

I'm envious, spent a month in Iceland back in my traveling days, loved the place, good people. I remember an outdoor swimming pool, it was freezing but you get into these hot pools each one hotter than the last until your body temperature raises enough such that you can lay out by the pool and get yourself a tan, very strange. Sure you'll have a wonderful time.

3. peaceloveyoga said...

@ Boodiba - amazing how stepping out of our environment makes us appreciate it even more. However, there's no place like NYC!

@ Grimmly - The outdoor pools sound fabulous. I guess it's a big part of the culture there. One again, I keep hearing great things about Iceland!

4. Claudia said...

I agree, you are lucky!, hmmm... about the volcano... wow!, it can only be auspicious, as if nature may be exploding with happiness and throwing you a welcome party! :-)

5. peaceloveyoga said...

Thank you, Claudia, such a nice way to look at a volcano eruption, lol. :)


6. yogayoga said...

First off, I just want to thank you for sharing. The initial quote really resonated with me. Also, just to relate my expiernce of leaving the country to live at a meditation and yoga center in Thailand: I left Dec. 08 to go to India (Pune) the same week as the Mumbai (two hours from where I would be) bombings and closure of the Bangkok airport due to protests. But as I told my mother, what else would I do if I didn't leave? I feel like sometimes we have to get out before we can come back.

I have to say though, volcano eruption? = way cooler!! :-)

Also, another fun little story: We once had a fire during a retreat we were holding. When told about it, the teacher laughed and said, well isn't that auspicious-you're burning karma!!!

So I'll second Claudia's comment.

Good luck and have fun!

Yoga Thailand

7. Wayne said...

How long will you be there? Safe travels!

8. Emma said...

peace to you as you prepare for your journey!

9. peaceloveyoga said...

Thanks everyone!

@ Lisa - funny stories! Thank you for sharing as well! ... Burn baby burn! (In regards to karma, that is ;) )

@ Wayne - I'll be in Iceland for just under two months! Enough time to settle in ... :)

10. Tracy said...

as always i shall be anticipating every blog post from you my friend!
so love that you are enjoying this beautiful life! xxoo

11. peaceloveyoga said...

Tracy! You've been on my mind! As always, nice to hear from you! xox


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