1,000 Posts {Wow!}


Today is my 1,000th post !!!

Hard to believe. What a journey it has been over the last 3 years since I decided to start blogging. With a bit of trepidation to "put myself out there," I haven't regretted it for one moment. It has connected me to so many wonderful people that I've been pleasantly surprised that the connections made would be the best part, along with having a forum to express myself, and collect my thoughts.

I want to thank anyone and everyone who has ever visited my blog, commented, emailed, or who I've met personally through the blogosphere. Thank you!

I Thank You All !!!


13 Insightful Comments:

1. Lyon said...

I don't believe I've ever commented here before, but I wanted to say congrats on your 1,000 mark and that I enjoy reading your blog very much. You and your practice are very inspirational to me. Thank you for sharing your beauty with us!

2. jwhite1202 said...

Congrats on hitting the 1000 mark. I have read your blog off and on for about a year now. I especially like the demo videos you do (very nice). You're not exactly hard on the eye's either ;-). Again Congrats.

3. Grimmly said...

Congratulations Laruga, that's a lot of posts, you should choose five or ten of your favourites and re post them.
I agree with Lyon always found your practice inspirational and just love you blog. Here's to the next thousand.

4. Unknown said...

I'm a new follower and I congratulate you on getting out there... hope to learn more from you as I just passed my 1 year mark.

5. Emma said...

what an accomplishment! congrats!

6. california said...

A pleasure to read you posts.Very informative and beautiful.
Love your writing style, you draw in the reader in such a wonderful easy way.
The foto's and - as well as the practise clips are super.
Keep the posts coming, and many thanks!



7. peaceloveyoga said...

Sincerely, I thank you for sharing and visiting my blog from time to time.

I will have do a bit of research and see what my favorite posts are, hmmmmm. Thank you for the suggestion, Grimmly. :)


8. Tracy said...

and you know I have loved every. single. one.! xxxx

9. StEvE said...

1,000 posts, Wow!

I'm a latecomer then, as I think I found your blog on about post 998. Nevertheless, I join everyone above in thanking you for the inspiration. You describe the practice and all it's hidden intricacies beautifully and help to make the hardest part (as you yourself said; 'getting on the mat'), a lot, lot easier.

Thank you!

10. Sadie Kaufman said...

Laruga, Your blog is such a gift. I am so grateful to have happened upon it. Thanks for your brave honesty and wisdom. Congratulations and I look forward to reading the next thousand. Un abrazo from Mexico, Sadie

11. Unknown said...

Wow, All of these pics, adventures and lessons are fascinating. Here are more information about traveling, studying lover of Ashtangi yoga. I think if you want to be healthy and fit, you should do regular practice of Yoga. This is one of my favorite post. I love it.

12. Ursula said...

Yes it is wonderful to got to know you via this blogosphere and to read about your thoughts and about your life.
It is so rewarding to write a blog, I couldn't have imagined. Me too, I got to know so many awesome people, bloggers and readers. I even met some of them (bloggers and readers). I feel the same like you.
(I've written more than 4000 posts already hahahahahaha)
Happy writing.....:)

13. peaceloveyoga said...

Wow Ursual. 4,000! That's amazing! XO


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