"And the day came, when the risk to remain in a tight bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

~Anais Nin

Getting back to the topic of yoga...I'm back to practicing on my own...no teacher...just me, my mat, and four walls...and sometimes a little space heater because the mornings can be a bit chilly in Columbus, Ohio. I miss having a teacher...having the guidance...the inspiration. But, something else definitely begins to manifest when practicing on one's own. It takes a different type of inner strength and tenacity that can be more challenging to maintain when making it to a class everyday. So...I'm welcoming this new routine of mine...and observing what it will bring. Most days I'm still getting up before dawn to practice. After my four months in Mysore I am a full fledged morning practitioner. Nothing starts the day of better. Nothing!! Who needs coffee when you got a two hour Ashtanga yoga session under your belt!
Also, I must say...my practice has taken on a whole new form and evolution. Its almost like something has integrated after practicing at AYRI. Its truly amazing. I heard some talk of this, but I truly didn't know what to make of it. Now, I feel it...now I know it...and its unexplainable. When the essence of the practice starts to develop with in one's self it all takes on a whole new meaning and wonder...and I am so deeply humbled by it I don't even know where to begin...

1 Insightful Comments:

1. Tracy said...

OH Laruga..
I LOVE this post~
Just love it!
Tracy xo


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