Back to Basics


So...I'll be explaining later...But truly...Its time for me to get back to basics...Down to the bare bones. You know I never realized how wound up our culture was until I went to India...or even how wound up I was...or was it too much Starbucks?...Anyways, its been an interesting adjustment since being back and its almost been shocking to the system...everything just hasn't registered yet...but when it does...and my feet are yet again firmly planted on the ground...I'll be adding more of my thoughts...If you dare to go down that road with me...Ha! Brave souls...

1 Insightful Comments:

1. Tracy said...

ready and waiting! Always love to hear your thoughts and insights on life~good to hear to are re-adjusting once is quite an adjustment at that being back in the US..thats for sure!
Om Shanti~


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