To love fully and live well requires us to recognize finally that we do no possess or own anything--our homes, our cars, our loved ones, not even our own body. Spiritual joy and wisdom do not come through possession but rather through our capacity to open, to love more fully, and to move and be free in life. (A Path with Heart, by Jack Kornfield)
So...after rummaging through my storage unit I came across one of my favorite books...and I feel compelled to read it again...even though I have numerous pages flagged and marked...and yeah! I'm a big old sap...I'm not afraid to admit it...but I think that's why I've carried much pain in my life...because I do...I put my heart into everything I do...and sometimes I've been taken advantage of...and sometimes I've been taken for granted...but I don't regret...because at least I put my heart in soul into it...and I'll keep doing matter if I get burned or not...because that's not the goes back to my intention and as long as that is in alignment...who cares about the rest...
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