

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to change you is the hardest thing of all.

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Wow. So I've landed. I think. Hahaha. Well actually, I landed last Saturday. However, my travel experience didn't happen without a few bumps. With all the new baggage requirements we are inundated with as travelers these days makes for a perplexing experience. How wonderful that when moving to Sweden I was only allowed to check one bag for a transatlantic flight. Wonderful. Talk about downsizing. Talk about an excuse to simplify. I managed to check only one bag, and it was over weight. Once I was raped $50 USD I was on my way. So I thought.

Just remember, any travel that has to do with Chicago O'Hare International Airport means delay. Delay all the way. My scheduled flight from Columbus to Chicago was late because it was coming from Chicago. Chicago O'Hare that is. Let's get this straight, Chicago O'Hare = LATE. I've heard this from other travelers. So from the get go, I was delayed and missed every connection thereafter. Lovely.

Well, I won't go further into detail, but I made it. Obviously. The good thing is, I didn't have to sleep overnight in an airport terminal. With all the bumps I touched down in Stockholm 6 hours later than scheduled. Whew! With all that it felt good to be back.

I bundled myself up before leaving Arlanda International Airport thinking it would be freezing outside, and to my pleasant surprise it was nice. Not too cold. Not warm. Perfect. The perfect part being getting the warmest smile and hug from DF.

As I settle into the rhythm in Stockholm I feel a sense of calm. I feel a sense of goodness. This is nice. I've got lots to grow into. I've got a language to tackle. Change in climate. Culture.

Changes. This is a stretch. A new posture, and all I need to do is just breathe.

5 Insightful Comments:

1. emily said...

I loved reading this!
I'm thinking about studying abroad in Denmark next year, so it was great to hear your reaction to moving overseas.

2. Tracy said...

One day this will all seen like a distant memory when you are sitting in a cafe speaking swedish and relaxed into your new life..and I CAN'T WAIT to watch it all unfold~~~
So exciting, So beautiful, So Happy for you both!
I am sending your pendant well as Marikas! xoxo
(p.s. your niece is getting cuter everyday!)

3. Tiffany said...

ya ya ya!! Sooo happy you made it. I love you!!

4. Anonymous said...

Such a nice experience! The blog world is like real world. From Turkey to Sweden entire europe, americas, india, japan… I wish you and your boyfriend a lot of happiness. Happy landing my Sunrise. :)

5. peaceloveyoga said...

Thanks everyone!

Emily - I keep hearing how happy the Danes are. You should definitely go for it!


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