A Reflection


Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, or those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.

(Katherine Mansfield)

Setting up to live in another country gives me pause in times of change and transition. I guess it's natural. Another phase. Another journey. Another adventure. It's a change I feel calm and certain about for some unknown reason. So, I roll with it. Moving forward with a confidence that I haven't had in a long time or may have never had. No. Not blind confidence. But, a confidence that feels natural, that feels good, because I'm stepping into the heart of life. The unknown.

No. It doesn't take traveling to distant lands to find one's heart's fulfillment, but it does take a certain amount of trust to step into the unknown. Somehow the unknown has become knowable. A knowing made manifest by surrendering complete control, and allowing my heart to take the lead.

Yes. There have been times I've taken those timid heart felt steps, to have begun to fly, to end up taking a complete nose dive. Hahaha. It's true. But, I survived. I lived. I became stronger. Those lessons were priceless, and somehow I'm not as fearful. When fears take hold they choke the life out of our essence. Our soul.

Yes. Fears are a natural part of life. However, shockingly, when scared, I continued, I stepped forward. Sometimes limping! And I learned every little step had meaning. Truly.

Yes. There is much ahead for me to behold. To learn. To grow into. And, I find. Wow. This is what it's all about. Loving and learning. Growing and trusting. Living and laughing. I mean, it's such a simple concept. When standing in the little 'i', the 'me', oh, how heavy life becomes. When truly embodying myself, my essence, I expand beyond the little stuff, and breathe in what really matters.

Freedom. Expansion. Love. Open, adventurous abandon. I like the sound of it. Give me all of it!

4 Insightful Comments:

1. Tiffany said...

Aw, I love that picture of you! I can't wait to see some more stylish ones in Stockholm. I'm with you in spirit all the way sista!! XO

2. Ursula said...

Hi,I think you can risk it. It will enrich your life.

Me,too, I love the picture.

xoxo U

3. (0v0) said...

Bringing me the biggest smiles, you are. XXXX

4. Anonymous said...
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