Your own mind is originally as pure and empty as the sky. To know whether or not this is true, look inside your own mind.
It totally slipped my mind that it was a full moon today. Didn't feel overtly expanded in practice in the a.m.. However, I was a little out of it because I fell asleep at 7:30pm and didn't wake up until my alarm went off to meet my yoga group the next day.
Had a long yard work session with a friend yesterday left me feeling what I call a good tired when I got home...hence I had a marathon sleep session. Good stuff. :)
Practice Notes: My lats are incredibly tight. I may have to do some stretching outside of my practice to help ease the area. I feel its from years of jump-backs, and it starts to manifest in pinch mayurasana, because my elbows want to splay out. Specifically, the attachment of my lats to the triceps is what begins to tighten. Oh well...just a kink to iron out. Its always this constant balance of gaining steadiness and strength while maintaining openness, and flexibility. Hmmm...good qualities to posses off the mat.
The heart already knows the paths to right living. The heart does not need to study a subject that is native to it. The mind, however, can never know true goodness.
~excerpt from Love without End, by Glenda Green
Denis Zaenchkovsky
Inspiring yoga video!!
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