Yoga is not eating too much, nor is it absolutely not eating, and not the habit of sleeping too much, and not keeping awake either.~Bhagavad Gita
Was up late talking to the Republican (a.k.a. Da'vid)...somehow, on less sleep, I sprang out of bed with more vigor for morning practice. When I get to bed early it seems a bit more challenging to wake up. What's that all about?
Practice Notes:
Breathed and moved through 2nd Series and part of 3rd. Feeling really good...I flowed with a steady focused pace. The body felt supple...taking a step back, and observing, I took any extra effort out of the equation. Went back to the basics in every posture...conscious breath...bandhas...driste...almost like a mantra. Then it dawned on me...to find ease in the practice allow the breath to breathe into the body...instead off the other way around. Consciously clearing the mind...focusing on the breath, driste and bandhas bring us ONE with the posture...as we sit in the seat (asana), grace descends, and everything showers upon us as the body opens. Its all rather simple really. Hahahaha...riiiiiight. I guess the better words for it would be, simple...but challenging.
After doing some study on Hanuman I feel compelled to read the Ramayana. Ahhh...so many interesting things to read, so little time. My stack of books to read increase with each passing day. There is the stack of texts to study in depth...then the novel/fiction stack...the nonfiction stack...the things I need to read again to gain greater understanding stack...its endless...but, I love it...I love to read.
I realize change is constantly happening, and what may be true one day...may not the other. However, I feel my mojoe coming back...and, I'm thankful for it...I guess it really isn't something to attain. Yes, everyday is different. But often times we ourselves close the valve of life and vitality...getting too caught up in thinking, questioning, doubting. The only reason why I say these things is because I've been there...I am there to some extent. Its through my own mind and nonacceptance for what is that stops the flow...its a huge learning process I'm growing into...sometimes with grace...sometimes not so much...hahaha. Most importantly however, just giving ourselves the opportunity to laugh at the blunders and drama of life we get tangled up in is a blessed practice...I'm learning to let go of the expectations, and instead, see what comes at any given moment while maintaining my center as best I can. Its all very interesting. What really ignites the spark is that I go back to...I'm learning...bit by bit, everyday...there is no place to 'arrive' to...its all right here right now. Pretty darn cool.
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