Tic Toc


I prefer tic toc over tic tac, lol.

15 Insightful Comments:

1. ArkieYogini said...

Beautiful! Thanks for posting this. It's so inspiring. The thought of dropping backward from a handstand still terrifes me. But, who knows, maybe one day I'll be able to work up the courage to do this. Practice, practice, and more practice I suppose. :)

2. Anonymous said...

I am your fan. ;-)

With metta.

3. Grimmly said...

So glad your making videos again, love the setting, this is just wonderful stuff.

4. yogamaiden said...

Ahh......yet another inspiring video!
Om shantih Om :-)

5. peaceloveyoga said...

Yes, the setting was perfect. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make as many clips as I would have liked. It was such a nice space.

Thank you, everyone.

6. Stan said...

I love it when a woman pulls that shit out of her hat, like it is no big deal.

Mad props. You are amazing.

7. Boodiba said...

So funny - I watched your tick tock clip without realizing I'd recently met you & D at dinner! Ha!

8. peaceloveyoga said...

@ Boodiba, hahaha ... it's a funny, small world!! So glad to have met you!

I'll be adding you to my blog roll!


9. Boodiba said...

I know right? I saw you had a blog & came over & thought... "There can't be that many Larugas... hmmmm...."

I think there are only 2 degrees of separation in the yoga world.

10. peaceloveyoga said...

LOL. So true about the 2 degrees of separation!

11. Christina said...

Amazing!!!! wow I am feeling so inspired! Thank you for sharing! How long have you been practicing?! Beautiful.

ps and I love your blog and the daily quotes of inspiration :)

12. Christina said...

Amazing!!!! wow I am feeling so inspired! Thank you for sharing! How long have you been practicing?! Beautiful.

ps and I love your blog and the daily quotes of inspiration :)

13. peaceloveyoga said...

Well, the years of yoga practice total about 15 years ... however, Ashtanga it's been 10 yrs.


14. Unknown said...

So wonderful and instructive. I have been working on Viparita Chakrasana for awhile and finally did it (3x!) today! Watching your video helps me to see how to do it gracefully...I am learning from it. You rock!

15. MS said...

What a graceful demonstration of your practice! Thanks for posting this. I'm in awe.


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