David and Stan


(Picture by Vera Simoes)

One of the best things about making the trip to Mysore is the people you meet. I can't think of a better fringe benefit. It truly is a community. A tribe, if you will. We breath together. We sweat together. We share a transformational practice together. Often the journey yoga takes one on can feel like a solitary endeavor, and connecting with other practitioners simply adds to the whole experience of deepening while in the shala. The vibrancy and contrast of personalities I've come in contact with has only added color to my life. It's a special thing, words cannot express.

I must share this beautiful couple above. David and Stan (Yes, her name is Stan, love it!). From Toronto, Canada, and soon expecting a baby, I had the pleasure of getting to know them while in India.

Stan is a highly gifted and talented writer. She hosts a blog at, missstan.com. Witty, fun, and insightful, whenever you get a chance check it out. I'll be adding her to my blogroll, as well.

David is a phenomenal and inspiring practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga. An authorized teacher, he is one of the few who has more than 80 students roll into his Mysore class on a daily basis, and it's growing! It's a true testament to his commitment, and dedication in creating such a community in the heart of Toronto. Whenever in the area I couldn't think of a better place to practice. Visit their website at, ashtangatoronto.com.

What a pleasure it's been meeting you two! Many blessings!

3 Insightful Comments:

1. Stan said...

Laruga, you just made our little hearts go pitter patter! We were both so overwhelmed this morning when we read your post. Thank you for being so sweet. We miss you and David here a lot. Actually, I think many people are really missing your bright smiles and beautiful faces. I hope we can reconnect this September for a short visit in your new hometown. Much love, stan & dr

2. 11p. said...

I love your blog! I would like to come once to Mysore!
all the best to you! denise

3. peaceloveyoga said...

@ Stan - I would absolutely LOVE to see you and David in Stockholm! Woo hoo!

@ denise - thank you! If you decide to go to Mysore let me know! xoxo


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