Vasisthasana to Viswamitrasana


Finally got around to doing a few more videos while in India. Enjoy.

6 Insightful Comments:

1. yogamaiden said...

Truly inspirationl! Gracias!
Om shantih Om

2. Anonymous said...

Ah, I thought that you have forgotten me. ;-)

Thank you for sharing.

I really love your videos.

It seems to me that you perform these asanas so effortlessly, so easily as it sould be. It is the very good exemple of what I want to do and to be.

Please do not make me wait too long for the following videos. ;-)

With metta.

3. Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. Truly fantastic. I look forward to practicing with you in Mysore. I will be there on the 15th.

4. Tracy said...

just too Beautiful for words....
love you so~

5. peaceloveyoga said...

Thank you! xo

6. Gift said...

So effortless and beautiful!


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