What's been Cookin'?


The belly rules the mind.

(Spanish proverb)

Ok. My newest obsession. Cooking! Honestly, I don't know what's come over me, but it's been one of my newest joys. I'm lovin' every aspect of the process. To finding healthy delicious recipes, to picking out fresh ingredients, through the preparation, to of course, EATING! There really isn't one part of the process I haven't enjoyed - which I'm finding a bit odd, because previously I never spent much time in the kitchen.

It's been one of many evolving changes.

Expressed in past blog posts, though I felt I was "healthy," I wasn't connected to my food. I would shovel the stuff in because it was supposed to be good for me, fitting into a certain diet ideal, however totally missing the mark as to what it was I was needing. Connection. It really begins inward. Listening. Then going from there. We've all heard it before, no amount of fitting into an outer ideal is gonna do it, or give any lasting satisfaction. Once I came from a place of body balance, everything fell into place that go beyond words. And, somehow has translated into a passion for preparing healthy, satisfying, healing, seasonal, whole foods. I feel like it's been laying dormant inside all this time.

In many ways the yoga has helped me to listen. Entering a space of open awareness, strengthening the unexplained aspect of our being, I can then be guided as to what's next for me. Even in the yoga community, it can be so easy to be blinded by what I should, and need to be doing to fit into some type of box. The conclusion is clear. There is no box. The box is a made up structure that ultimately fails. With all that being said, the courage comes in when we listen, and then act from our higher self and purpose. Right now, I'm experiencing what this means, even if it may seem strange and unconventional to others. Then I remember, the strides people have taken in the past to cause progressive change had to always beat to the rhythm of their own drum. Exciting stuff. Obviously, more has been cookin' then food in my neck of the woods, lol.

Anyone have awesome recipes to share?

Ok. Back to food. A topic we all can enjoy. So, I came across a really awesome website. Cookus Interruptus. Ever heard of it? They offer great whole food recipes with video (they're kinda funny) that cater to vegetarians, vegans, and gluten-free peeps as well. Check it out. I recommend the Asian Noodle Salad. Love, love, love it!

I've also come across a few other interesting blog/websites all centered around healthy cooking and food.

Sprouted Kitchen
Kiss my spatula

If you know of any other sites worth passing along, please let me know!

4 Insightful Comments:

1. Ejiro O. said...

101cookbooks.com is great, i do mostly her baked goods, but a lot of the stuff looks yummy, and it is a vegetarian/vegan cooking site. Another one is smittenkitchen.com, she has some neat ideas, the resent chickpeas with spinach recipe looks divine, she does meat, but a lot of her food is vegetarian, i didn't even notice the meat recipes till i checked there to make sure i was giving you correct info :). Enjoy. Oh the the pictures on both these sites are amazing!!! That's always a plus

2. Karen said...

Heidi at www.101cookbooks.com has a fantastic collection of recipes that are wholesome and tasty. definitely worth checking out, she has a big following.

3. Tracy said...

awww...someone is "nesting"! ;~D
Love It!! Though I never got into cooking..(ray is the expert in that area)I can clean like a mad woman! LOL!!! xxxx

4. peaceloveyoga said...

Wonderful!!! Thanks for the link suggestions! I'll be checking them out. I have to say, I'm most impressed by the cooking blogs out there. wow.

@ Tracy - nesting? Not sure about that, but definitely enjoying myself. muah! xo.


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