

"There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart."

Slightly in shock. I've noticed a change since coming back from India. My body has changed, significantly. Something always shifts when I've gone, but this time I look different, not only feel different. Dunno. Just an interesting observation, that's kinda freaky. Something I noticed the first few practices since coming home. I did skip one practice because of illness. Residual stuff working through. I haven't had colds like this for years.

With the rejuvenation that takes place. The shedding. To then come home I find it exciting. It's the perfect opportunity to move forward with a fresh new outlook. A new perspective. How will I continue to approach the practice? Where would I like to develop and grow into? It may seem like a logical process, but manifests in an organic fashion. It comes.

The act of simply being in my body. Relishing in it. Has come to the forefront. I see how idle thoughts drain energy. Moving it down into the body I feel my intuitive power more fully. Feels good. Feels damn good. Something to grow into.

A bit backwards, I've collected my insights after the trip. We didn't have internet at our place while in India so I took the opportunity to be free of it. Soak in my surrounds. Enjoy. Felt good to be disconnected from cyberspace for a while. Though we did do some preliminary checking of email and such. I wasn't able to blog as much as I would have liked, but it all rolled out perfectly in the end.

So, back to my metamorphosis. Well, it's one of those things I guess you don't notice until pulled out of one environment and back to another. Though subtle, I feel it something I can't fully wrap my head around. Though I'm far, far, far from enlightenment (whatever that means) when trusting the process that takes place, I see how the wheels of transformation turn in time. Little by little. I see how miraculous it is to show up. Simply show up. Everyday.

A full circle moment is the feeling of utter appreciation for being on this journey. Wherever it may lead. An appreciation for Guruji's ardent study and practice of yoga. For Sharath's strength to carry it on. For Sarawati's glue holding it all together. For the community of students and practitioners. The vibrant life blood of the shala. It's inspiring. It's an unique and powerful experience I feel extremely lucky to be a part of. I feel it now more than ever. I feel how everyone's progress is just as important as my own. Though I am responsible for my part. Clearly it extends beyond the workings on my mat.

It's an exciting time when breaking free and letting go to soon, embrace.

2 Insightful Comments:

1. Anonymous said...

I think you will be a good teacher. Maybe you ARE already a good one.

With metta.

2. Tracy said...

she is an Incredible Teacher and woman! I only wish she could commute from Sweden to Norther California and be MY teacher! ;~)


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