Where to Look


The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing how
blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along.

~ Rumi

I find myself in an interesting place. I've stepped into a rhythm which may appear uneventful on an external level. However, the simplicity of the experience has made life all the more rich.

In many regards I'm on my own. Yes. I'm alone. Nonetheless, I'm not sure when or how, but a light has begun to burn bright. After, a long internal battle, something has ceased. However, I won't hold on to this moment. For, life has taught me just how fast change moves in, and is the only constant. But dare I say, maybe I've come to a place of deeper peace on a certain level? Dunno. I see it for what it is, and continue to simply live.

Practice in the early morning. Just me, my mind, and body. Breathing in existence, breathing out all that is holding me back. A simple rhythm. Conscious breath and a flow of postures. Through the body I experience this moment, and all that it is...a vast space of infinite potential and possibility.

Through all the seeking. Why not just be? What lies right before me is of utmost importance. Nothing else matters but that. Wholeness is the reality. There is no place to come to...it's all right here.

With that being said...you know, it's much easier to laugh. A lightness of being enters in. Through clarity, nothing needs to be held on to so tightly. Beliefs, ideals, labels, seem insignificant and small compared to the larger scope.

Does my opinion really matter all that much? No. But, what I feel deep down inside speaks volumes. This is where I will look.

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