"One does not accumulate, but eliminate. It is not daily increase, but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always leads to simplicity."
~Bruce Lee
I'm gonna have to start getting up a bit earlier than I already am to get through it all at this stage of my practice. Sometimes it feels like its never ending. Ha! So much is accomplished before the sun rises...now that's pretty cool. I'm getting back to adding the beginning half of 3rd Series after completing 2nd. I've been holding myself back for a while...just wanting to stay in my comfort zone. But, its time to progress to where I was practicing before...no matter how challenging it will be again.
There is an element in life when we wanna push, push, push. But, also, there are times when we hold ourselves back because of fear, doubt and reluctance. Truly we are powerful beings...so its time to step into it. I need to trust I have the capability to manifest great things in life...and taking my practice to the next level is an integral part of that...as it bleeds into the rest of my daily existence. Through the body, as a medium, we are able to break open the barriers we place on our minds...they go hand in hand...mind, body & soul. Namaste.
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