"I am large; I contain multitudes." ~Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
Practice this morning was a delight, and I was able to start a bit earlier...but, somehow I was still the last one finished...haha. Anyway, my marathon practice left me pooped at urdhva kukutasana. I should be up to eka pada bakasana, but I flaked out. Gonna break myself in slowly. No hurry. I got the rest of my life for this practice.
Most importantly, it isn't really all that significant how far I go. But, how deep I immerse in each moment, in each posture. Am I conscious of my breath? Is my drishte inwardly focused as I look out? Am I connected to my bandhas? All the fancy stuff is fine and good...and fun. However, if I continue to connect from the inside first...then everything has a beautiful way of blossoming on the outside...
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