

"It's just a ride and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money, a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one."

(Bill Hicks)

Ah. The winds were brisk today. The type of chill that quickens your step in hopes of bypassing the freeze. More snow, but a light falling, maybe an inch or two. The good thing is, I can foresee the days getting longer. Nice. I like. I like very much. My time in Sweden will definitely put me in with the legions of sun worshipers here.

Practice has been good and steady. I've managed, even without sweating. I have to say, I feel like if I can practice here, I can practice anywhere, lol! Getting the extra heat really is something. Such as practicing in India. But also, I've found in colder climates one has to be extra mindful and present, which brings it back more profoundly on why we practice. The movement isn't as easy, the flow must be created, truly relying on the bandhas, while building internal heat.

I've been practicing all of second and adding on 3rd series up until Astravakrasna B. Since I'm focusing on building stamina, I practice 3rd up until I finish all of the arm balances. Like I've said before, it's never that each individual posture on it's own is severely challenging, even though they can be in their own right, but it's in linking them together, in a flowing sequence, that's really something. I'm enjoying it though. My second series practice has really deepened over the last several years and I'm still content with how I've been practicing this month. I guess the only difference now is that I've added a strictly 3rd series practice as well. It feels good to have built slowly, as I have, because everything is opening with more ease than I could have expected.

Now with Mysore, India on the horizon I already feel as if my body is softening from the thoughts of sun and warmth. It's really beautiful there this time of year.

Practice + Coconut = a Smile :-)

4 Insightful Comments:

1. Tracy said...


2. Grimmly said...

A Bill Hicks quote, nice surprise : )
Enjoyed hearing about your 3rd. Next time I venture that way I'll try the adding poses approach rather than jumping into the whole series (which was fun though). Your 2s videos convinced me as much as anything else to go back and spend a lot more time on 2nd. Thank you for posting those and I look forward to the 3s videos one day.

3. peaceloveyoga said...

Thanks Grimmly ... I enjoy your videos as well. Ha. I can't seem to roll out videos as fast as you though. ;) I have plans to hopefully make some more while in India.

The add-on approach has worked well for me, not only building strength but also finding rhythm and flow in the practice too. It's great stuff. Not sure if I'll ever bore of it, lol.


4. Tiffany said...

Have fun my beautiful friend. I love this picture of you. I wish I was there to relish in the Mysore heat and coconuts, but I know we'll connect soon. MIss you!


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