

"Desires for sense pleasure are electric in nature and they get neutralized as they move towards the objects of senses. If, by your skill, you could move them within you towards the center of your existence, another dimension of everlasting pleasure, thrill, bliss, and undying love will all be yours. Lust, greed, power and jealousy are also powerful because they are nothing but energy and you are the source of it - the pure electricity. Dedication and devotion keep the purity of your electricity moving upward. Realizing you are pleasure or electricity yourself, your craving subsides and serenity dawns."

(Shri Shri Ravi Shankar)

Wow. We got dumped on overnight. Talk about a whitewash. I'm wondering if by the time we leave, the airport will be buried under heaps of snow. Ha. Not likely. But still. It did cross my mind. Surly, I'm boring everyone with talk of snow fall. Although, one thing that's a bit surprising, I've been told, is this has been the first proper winter in quite a while. I think many would be surprised to learn that it isn't nearly as cold here as one might believe even though we're far up north. Gotta love the jet stream that allows Spain to be as warm as it is even though it has about the same latitude as NYC.

How's the Swedish coming? Ha. Well. Not so much. I know. A bit of laziness has set in. But, I hand it to the fact that I'm simply trying to get acquainted with being here, first. Once back from India it's gonna be a full fledged Swedish language immersion. No joke. I've already been warned.

Well, I already got a fair amount of cleaning done. We're gonna get this place spic & span before leaving. Laundry. Then packing ... Still, after all my travels over the past several years, you'd think I'd have the art of packing down to a fine science. I don't. Not even close. So, we'll see how I manage this one. I desire simplicity.

3 Insightful Comments:

1. Grimmly said...

I saw a few post ago that you were off to India. When do you leave and how long for this time? Mysore i assume, look forward to hearing about it.

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Yep. Leaving this Saturday morning, early. Our plans were to stay for two months but unfortunately things have changed and it will be one. Though, I can't complain! It's always nice to be there. :)

3. (0v0) said...


(heart racing, trying to remain calm...)

Obviously if there is anything I can do now or when you first arrive, let me know.

It's really good here.



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