

He whom I enclose with my name is weeping in this dungeon.

I am ever busy building this wall all around; and as this wall goes up into

the sky day by day I lose sight of my true being in its dark shadow.

I take pride in this great wall, and I plaster it with dust and sand

lest a least hole should be left in this name;

and for all the care I take I lose sight of my true being.

(Gitanjali, Rabindranath Tagore)

2 Insightful Comments:

1. Anonymous said...

Thanks again.
I am your fan. ;-)

Would you please upload some more asana video clips, please ? I really love them. I mean, your own videos.

With metta.

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Yes, very soon I'm hoping to post more videos once I arrive in India.

Thank you for your interest.



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