Gott Nytt År!


Gott Nytt År! - Happy New Year! Best wishes in 2010!

5 Insightful Comments:

1. Tracy said...

Happy New Year to you LG and to David..boy is he turning you into a little swedish gal or what?!! I love it!!!! xxx

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Thank you Tracy. Happy New Year!! xxxx

3. jwhite1202 said...

Nice picture. You two make a very attractive couple, not sure what the future holds for you two, but I'll bet if you all decided to, you'd have some very bendy, attractive kids :-).

4. Tiffany said...

Beautiful picture. ahhh wish I could be there. I guess I'll have to make it over there in the winter one of these years to have a proper holiday.

5. peaceloveyoga said...

Yes! Christmas in Stockholm + Tiffany = :-)


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