David Swenson Demonstration


3 Insightful Comments:

1. Anonymous said...


Sorry for my emails. Well sometimes, I am questioning my own sanity. Zee… mystic or schizophrenic? Hmm, a bit of both I guess! This is the state of true awakening that is still in the process. I put these words, here on your blog, in order to help others who may come to the similar situation.

Factors that trigger both schizophrenic breaks and kundalini awakenings include circumstances of impossible dilemmas, double-binds, and avoidance/attraction etc... My mind has created this situation by mapping bloggers to the people that I know and that I see during day - at home, work, transit etc… It is more then 2 years that this “mapping” goes on. I have created impossible dilemmas of “who is who” and “what they want from me”. My mind has found million different reasons and answers to that questions (no bother to list them here)…

Being in this self-created situation so far I couldn’t proceed in a logical-prefrontal manner. I forced myself to interpret the blogger’s posts and comments in accordance with my real life occurrences. Doing that I experienced angst, perplexity and frustration that were visible to many bloggers such as Inside Owl, Boodiba, DonutsZenMom, Ursula etc. Since my energy is not utilized in a normal fashion it boiled up and lead to the energies of anger and fight. But that was only “visible” in the blog world. In my “inner” world, having no resolution to this, my energy basically kick off via multiple kundalini eruptions (breakthroughs ) as well as some breakdowns, up to the point of real physical pain…

Zen koans, of course operate in a similar fashion, until the normal rational thinking process stops, leading to the overload of the nervous system and the sudden a-ha moment. That process is closely monitor and guided my Zen Master. Unfortunately I have no one to guide me so this comment is an attempt to establish my own guidance. I could write the book about unbelievable synchronicities between my real and the blog world. But I take that of no real value…

Until that time comes when the Kundalini permanently rewires my body-mind and release the stored tension of my physical body I will stay away from the blog-world. That is my resolution for 2010. I think my decision shows that my mystical side is greater then my schizophrenic one. My physical/mental/emotional and spiritual development is high enough to handle the kundalini nightmares. I apologise for my most-of-the-time unbelievable comments. Also, I use this opportunity to apologise to other bloggers too.

Happy New Year !!!


2. peaceloveyoga said...

Thank you.

3. jwhite1202 said...

One of my favorite teachers of all time. I had the privileged of meet him about 5-6 years back. A gifted teacher with a good sense of comedic timing, who I will never forget. Thx for sharing.


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