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9 Insightful Comments:

1. Tracy said...

W O W!!! I LOVED it too!! Just breathtaking~~ xo

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Glad you liked it. Ah. I wish I were a dancer. ;-) xoxox.

3. Tracy said...

YOU ARE! xxxx

4. Unknown said...

I am a huge "So you think you can dance" fan, and gotta love Coldplay too:) Love the blog, I feel like I've been traveling this morning just looking at your beautiful pics.

5. peaceloveyoga said...

Thanks for comment Mandy. SYTYCD is a huge guilty pleasure of mine. Just love it!!!

6. jwhite1202 said...

Nice video. A great mix of modern dance, break dancing, and I saw elements of Capoeira in there too. I Wanted to let you know that I have quietly followed your blog and Ashtanga videos off on for about a year now. I love your practice. I'm hoping to eventually get there too, but trying to balance ashtanga with Capoeira. Again great video.

7. peaceloveyoga said...

Wow! I've always loved capoeria! Actually, I tried to learn at one point. So much fun. However, sometimes I tend to go into too many directions so I've stayed focused on Ashtanga, but would love to try it out again if I found a good teacher here in Stockholm.

Thanks for posting!

8. jwhite1202 said...

Capoeira is great. In terms of a teacher, it depends upon the style you are looking for. The more acrobatic stuff you tend to see is indicative of the Regional style of capoeira. It tends to look more like traditional martial arts, and is very athletic. Another major style is Angola (named for the region of Africa many early caporistas come from). Angola is a slower game, but more strategic and played closer to the ground. It's kind of like playing chess with your body. There is also contemporary which tends to combine the two styles and uses both to provide a more fully developed understanding of Capoeira as a whole. From what I know there are two schools out your way: 1. Capoeira Senzala Regional/Contemporary 2. Groupo de Capoeira Filho de Angola (The Sons of Angola Capoeira Group). Depending upon what you are looking for, I'd suggest trying a class or two with both and see what you like better. I'm sure there are other schools, but those are two of the bigger ones listed on the web.

9. peaceloveyoga said...

Wow. Thanks for the information. I'll definitely look in to it in the near future!


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