Yoga Demo


No matter one's practice, the core principles are the same. I really appreciate how Jim illustrates and expresses the practice of yoga. Enjoy!

2 Insightful Comments:

1. nycashtangi said...

hey thanks for this. it was really inspiring. I'm curious to know, now that you are living in a much colder climate are u finding that you crave more protein?
How do you handle this?

ive been vegetarian/vegan for many years but have found that now living in colder climate it is tricky.

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Good question. I have heard about craving more protein in colder climates, and I have to say, I seem to go through phases with my cravings.

One thing I've realized over the years is complimenting my diet with healthy fats (flax seed oil, chia seed, olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, avocado, etc) helps tremendously, depending on your constitution.

I've been vegetarian for many years, and now have embarked into veganism most recently. One thing that has helped me is adding hemp seed in my diet. A wonderful, protein and healthy fat source. Chia seed, as well, is something worth checking into, along with goiji berries. Sometimes I throw all of that stuff into oatmeal, or muesli for breakfast.

Also, lots of leafy greens and sprouts! I've done a lot of research on sprouts and they have an abundance of protein, enzymes and other great things. Recently, I've started sprouting mung beans on my own and have really enjoyed adding them into my diet.

Hope some of this helps!!



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