Let it Snow


When thinking stops, love begins."

(Shri Shri)

Ha. So a couple weeks ago, I posted how winter felt light thus far. Well now, I'm eating my words. Winter is here, and it's full on. Snow, snow and more snow. This morning we had blizzard like conditions. And, I have no idea why, but I'm actually enjoying it. Why did it take coming to Sweden to appreciate the snow? It's not like we didn't have enough of it in the U.S. Midwest. Maybe has to do with getting around, and the attitude with the weather here. It doesn't really make big news. Swedes yawn at the sight of big snows, it's business as usual. Also, it lights everything up, which is needed, since the sun sets around 3:00 pm. I was so tickled today when I saw a few kids eating ice cream cones outside as snow was falling down around them. Hahaha. Unbelievable. Pass me the hot chocolate or a steaming mug of glögg. I'm a light weight.

With over 70% of Stockholm residents using public transportation not having to hassle with traffic, and driving makes for more fun. Although, plenty do drive in these conditions, no problem. To obtain a drivers license part of the requirements are to be able to handle conditions such as heavy snow. Cars must be inspected and safety approved too. I'm learning Swedes are all about safety, lol.

Since I'm out walking quite a bit I've learned the art of layering. I'm fascinated how the Swedes are able to stay warm while still looking fashionable. See, I've always known that it's possible to strike a balance between comfort and style. Isn't that what true luxury is all about anyway? Especially the women, they don't let frigid temps stop them from still sporting a feminine silhouette. Dresses, skirts, even mini skirts are worn, but complemented with cute patterned hosiery or leggings. And the boots, let's not forget the boots. Boots of every style and make. Some that come well up to the thighs and down to the ankles. Boot are a must, but ladies we can still look cute, put together, and warm.

For real though, my favorite are the kids. Too adorable. For fun I call toddlers weeble-wobbles, because of how bundled up they are. When they walk it's more like a teetering from side to side. It's tough walking bundled up when you're only 2 feet tall. Ah-em. I mean, 61 centimeters tall. I'm in metric country now.

Too cute, I tell you, too cute.

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