This. That.


"Errors are the portals to discovery."

(James Joyce, Ulysses)

Making the transition to Sweden, while anticipating my eventual move before that, left me neglecting posts about yoga and practice. I'll be getting back to that. Hopefully at some point posting more videos and such. It feels good to be reinvigorated. Brings it back. With heartfelt commitment, awareness expands. Delving into the internal landscape never gets boring. May not always be fun, nevertheless, it's never boring.

I've eased into the transition fairly well, however, most importantly, it didn't come without help. For this I'm am extremely grateful for.

My body hasn't revolted to the climate. Yet. If anything, there's been a freshness brought to the experience of living in Scandinavia. Sometimes I pinch myself thinking ... what in the hell am I doing here? Oh. Then I remember why. I smile. The crazy, beautiful part is, it feels like I'm supposed to be exactly where I am.

The Grace bestowed, walking forward, even through the dark times when all felt lost and hopeless, has renewed my faith. But this is life, isn't it? There's an ebb. There's a flow. There's this, there's that. Maintaining perspective is important.

Been offered a great opportunity in regards to teaching here in Stockholm. Looking forward to it. With a city filled with many great teachers I feel blessed for the opportunity. Just have to make it through my first Swedish Christmas, then ... sky's the limit.

2 Insightful Comments:

1. nycashtangi said...

loving these posts. I too am living in a cold beautiful snowy place. Honestly find the cold is affecting my ablity to practice because i am practicing mostly at home. You must be very climate easy going!

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Well, as far as adjusting, I've done the best I can. Although, I must say, having the right clothes, and gear helps. ;-)

With practice, sometimes I feel being in a bit of a colder environment makes for a more subtle experience. I find when venturing to a studio with the heater turned up my practice feels utterly too easy. It's kinda funny. All in all, I take what I can get and make the best of it.

Thanks for your comment.



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