To love fully and live well requires us to recognize finally that we do not possess or own anything--our homes, our cars, our loved ones, not even our own body. Spiritual joy and wisdom do not come through possession but rather through our capacity to open, to love more fully, and to move and be free in life. The longing for love and the movement of love is underneath all of our activities. The happiness we discover in life is not about possessing or owning or even understanding. Instead, it is the discovery of this capacity to love, to have a loving, free, and wise relationship with all of life. Such love is not possessive but arises out of a sense of our own well-being and connection with everything. Therefore, it is generous and wakeful, and it loves the freedom of all things. Out of love, our path can lead us to learn to use our gifts to heal and serve, to create peace around us, to honor the sacred in life, to bless whatever we encounter, and to wish all beings well.
~excerpts from, A Path with Heart, by Jack Kornfield
Went on a hike today with a group of Mysore class regulars. Just like a bunch of Ashtangis...on the traditional Saturday rest day...they want to hike at 5 am in the morning. They asked if I wanted to come the day before, and I agreed. We hiked a trail in one of the it wasn't what you would call a leisure stroll. Even though I was dripping like crazy from sweat I enjoyed it. It feels good to be up at dawn, and out in nature. I love the vegetation's so beautiful and green. With all the rains...and plenty of sunshine, it makes for the perfect environment for beautiful growth.
I'm slowly getting to know the students on a personal level. Even with the cultural differences and language, we find much in common and much we can relate to. In reality, there isn't much that makes us different.
Many students worry that I am lonely, or wonder if I get bored. It's really sweet how they extend their concern. However, I haven't had much time to get bored or lonely. I felt a bit of loneliness when first getting here, but once I started teaching, and establishing a routine it hasn't been an issue.
I'm not here for entertainment or external stimulation anyway. I'm here for the work...I'm here to teach...and when I teach I loose myself...I loose sense of time...I absorb into what I'm doing...and it becomes a labor of love. Who could ask for anything more?
1 Insightful Comments:
i'm with you. i'm having the exact same experiences here in thailand. i'm here to teach and it's the most gratifying thing ever. and i also just learned to ride a scooter. what a wonderful thing!
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