Well...a while back I declared that I quit coffee. Hahahahahaha. What a joke! It's true...what you resist, persists.
Ever since landing in Taiwan, I've had coffee given to me as a gift...on numerous occasions. Unbelievable. Students, friends, and acquaintances have taken me to a multitude of various coffee shops...I can't even count. I was even treated to a tour of an organic coffee plantation.
I met a young man who owns a coffee shop with the biggest passion for the brew I've ever met, as well. He smiles from ear to ear, talking expressively about cup's of joe...all the while whipping up his creations of lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas...like a painter paints on canvas. Each cup a work of art. Coffee guy...as me and a friend secretly call him, is sight to behold. He literally puts Starbucks to shame...making a cup, twice as good, at a quarter of the price. He blushed when I told him that.
I don't know how to explain it...java has been put before me everywhere I turn....how can I say NO?
I'm so weak!!!
So, when I start to feel over caffeinated, once again...in a future post...surely, you will hear of my next attempt at quitting.
Sigh. The woes of coffee.
But, maybe I've missed the point?! There is something I love about coffee...can't really put my finger on it...
Anyhow, I must share a post, from a fellow blogger I follow...a lovely commentary..on the blessed brew, coffee...Faces, lives.
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