Peter Sanson


Embarrassingly, I've been really behind on my postings. There's been plenty to talk about, write about, complain about, whatever, but I just haven't had the focus or inclination to sit still long enough. Blah. Yeah, I've been nagging about this for sometime now. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record. Repeat. Repeat. At any rate, I might as well get some of you out there, that is, if you are STILL out there, an update on what I've been up too.

Granted it's early July, but let's rewind back to early May. When I had the pleasure of practicing with Peter Sanson, one of the few Certified Ashtanga yoga teachers, for the second time (pictured above). Can you believe he'll be 50 next year! Amazing. I won't go on and on with accolades, but truly, Peter Sanson is one of the best. Radically humble, unassuming, totally focused. It seems to me the better the teacher, the worse their online presence is! I was actually talking to a colleague about this. You just can't seem to find much about Peter online. He doesn't participate in marketing and all that, not that it's bad, but well, when you meet him you truly feel his heartfelt sincerity in regards to his time with Guruji and what it means, down to the very core, to do this practice daily. I just can't say it enough how essential he is to the greater Ashtangi community. The simplicity of his message speaks loud and clear. BREATHE. Relax. Let the breath and movement be your guide. Be aware of what arises in that. That is the practice. That's the yoga.

As a person he beams. He's grounded. He's just real. No airs at all. I think that is what makes him exemplary. He's just damn normal. Thank God! When you practice under his guidance it's ultimately about you, not him, and guiding you through the integrity of the practice in a way that softens the practitioner, not hardens. He has a real gift in that. It's all about quality, not quantity. Not how far, but how deep.

I had to jump at the chance to practice with him when the opportunity arose in that my practice life is solitary. Yes. I'm a home practitioner and have been for a LONG time. Working with an experienced practitioner/teacher such as Peter is invaluable. Simply being in the presence of it is enough.

Peter's stories in regards to his encounters with Guruji are truly special. Often he was the only Westerner practicing in the shala among a sprinkling of Indian practitioners. His life for over 20 years entailed of annual, extended trips to Mysore to practice with his teacher. It's an inspiring story, and one I don't want to spoil or taint with my own words. It's his story to share, and one worth hearing.

Thank you, Peter (though a little bit late!)

3 Insightful Comments:

1. Claudia said...

Seriously? 50, my goodness and Sharath said the practice can make you look 10 years younger, at first impression I thought he was 30!...

Maybe it is because he does not pertake in the internet! no, probably is the yoga and the dedication. So glad you wrote about him, good to meet him.

2. daydreamingmel said...

I had the pleasure of meeting Peter in London for the first time in May (just before he came to Stockholm I think!) and I was blown away too - so much so that I moved a few small mountains to get to Dublin and take a whole weekend with him in June too. I'm happy you're telling people about him because as you say, he's not into the marketing but he is an extraordinary teacher - the 5 practices I have had with him have blown me away like nothing before. And coincidentally I met the very lovely Max Strom of your previous post a few weeks ago too, and took the workshop on the same theme as the Ted talk you posted!

3. peaceloveyoga said...

I guess I should put out a disclaimer in that I'm not saying it's "bad" to aggressively market yourself as a yoga teacher, however just wanted to highlight how Peter is one of the many gifted teachers who fly under the radar.

@daydreamingmel - nice to hear that you were blown away by Peter as well! Ahhh, and Max Strom, seems lovely. What a great message he has!


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