Answering the Call


It is amazing when we follow our hearts...our calling, how things just seem to fall into everything just seems to workout. After leaving the corporate world...maybe forever...there was a sense of trepidation and fear...because the security of having to rely on a steady paycheck was no longer going to be there. Surrender, Trust, Gratitude...Surrender control...Trust and know everything will work out for the best...Have gratitude for the process...for without do we learn? do we evolve and grow?
This month I will be organizing and getting ready for my first trip to Mysore, India. Even though Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is sick right now...I still want to go through with the trip...I feel I have no other choice. I must go...I have to go...this pull to go there is beyond me...even though I am a little scared to travel that far by myself...Oh well...The excitement far outweighs the fear.

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