Hooray! It's a Blog Anniversary!


"If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive."     — Audre Lorde

Yep! Today is the 4th Anniversary of Peaceloveyoga! Hard to believe I've been entering posts for this amount of time. It's so funny, because when I started I hardly knew what a blog was, or how it worked. I was never a reader of blogs, and didn't spend much time on the internet. But then, I bought my first Macbook, and well, the rest was history . . .

I've had the pleasure of meeting amazing people through blogging! It's been a pleasant surprise I wasn't expecting to come about since taking it on. It's been interesting being in contact with readers who have told me when they started visiting my blog, even telling me what I was going through in my life at the time they started. Meeting one of my very best friends through this outlet has been such a blessing, as well. For that I'm extremely thankful. Hey Yogini's Quest!

In the past four years there have been milestones, many changes - many ups, as well as downs. Pretty typical. It's what we call life. No surprise there. In the meantime, I'm committed to continuing on with blogging - offering up experiences on the path. It's all wide open. When I think about it, I never would have thought I'd be where I am at this moment. Hopefully, I can continue being open for whatever life brings for the following four years.


3 Insightful Comments:

1. Sadie Kaufman said...

Congratulations Laruga on your four year mile stone. I love your blog, it is such a treat visually and so full of inspiration. Thank you!

2. Kashif's Spot said...

Congradulations on your anniversary, we've just started our blog and it's such a blessing to be able to share your thoughts and ideas with the world in this medium

3. Tiffany said...

Yeah...just saw this post. I'm sorry I've been so late on reading your blog!! Thank you, I'm so grateful and lucky to have you in my life!! See you soon. xoxo


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