"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." -Goethe
I find it interesting, when someone is good at something, or better said great, some find it in themselves to make any excuse that brought about their success. Often omitting, that maybe, just maybe, it took hard work to get there. Ooooooohhh, a scary word to use when it feels safer to make up excuses and project on to someone who has done well. Why can't we celebrate in people shining their light? I hope those of you out there feel comfortable to do so! We need more of you in the world! Yes, when we stick our necks out we make ourselves vulnerable to criticism. It seems to be the way, but no one has made significant change in the world for the better without doing so. Let the naysayers be naysayers. How boring and unfulfilling is that!? It's easy to sit on the sidelines and offer only criticism. Being an active participant in the world, learning, breathing, taking up space, is not a bad thing. I say this, because I have suffered from shrinking back just to make others feel more comfortable. Well, no more. When we give ourselves permission to shine we give others permission too. It spreads. It's infectious. Ka-Pow!!!
I love the following quote by Michael Beckwith, "No one is special, but we are all unique." I really agree with this. Craving "specialness" is a quest for validation that can often be ego-centered. But at the same time, all of us have unique gifts to share. Truth. Some are gifted in areas of the arts, mathematics, sports, literature, you name it. Some are driven by passions that ignite a fire within themselves that seems to never flicker or wane. Support these people. We need more passion centered people, there's no need to blow out their flame with your criticism.
I just had to get this off my chest.
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