I am Nothing. I am Everything.


A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home.  
- Rumi

I am nothing. I am everything. I dance between the two living in a confusing world of contrast. Stepping into the fullness of my being and feeling a sense of awe at the emptiness I feel at times leaves me spinning. I live in this pulsation. Unknowing as to why, alas I keep moving forward. I wish it were easy and then I remember that is not what I signed up for.

 I wanna be ALIVE

1 Insightful Comments:

1. Dominick Lanting said...

Nice post, Laruga! This is a very inspiring poem. It's a sad reality that we live in a very confusing world with so many contrasting challenges that torment our soul every day. We don't have any satisfaction in life and it seems that even we have everything we ask for, we still feel emptiness. You live but you still want to feel alive.


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