The Blogoshpere


Real generosity toward the future consists of giving all to what is present.

Hard to believe I've been blogging for close to a two and a half years. Ha. Never thought I would become a regular blogger, while at the same time, pleasantly surprised at how much I've come to enjoy it.

The connections I've made through cyberspace have blessed me in many ways. At first, I was apprehensive about putting myself out there, so to speak - but really, it has only added to my life.

The amazing thing is, I've had the opportunity to meet 3 fellow bloggers this year alone! Women whose blogs I read and connected with, before meeting in person - and I met all of them in Mysore, India. So, I have to give my girls' props today!! Don't know what exactly took me so long!

- if you haven't already - check these ladies out when you get the chance.

Yogini's Quest - One of the most open...or wait...the most open person I've ever met! It's refreshing to meet someone who holds nothing back, but has a heart of gold. I love your honesty in every moment, your quick wit, your adventurous spirit, and laughter. You ask the hard questions and aren't afraid to take a look. I'm honored to be your friend, and fellow yogini.

A Lotus Girl - Ha! A force of nature that's for sure!! Enough energy to out last those half her age, and still have something leftover. With a charitable spirit, and a passion for helping others, you are undeniably generous of spirit, heart and soul. I don't think I would be too off base to say you love India more than all of us combined! What a pleasure it was to meet you and your precious Ray.

Inside Owl - Grounded. Insightful. Open minded and open hearted. Each of your blog entries are deeply rooted, often blowing my mind to bits. Literally. You give me much to think about, that's for sure, and I appreciate your point of view. I had such a pleasure meeting, and conversing with you. Such a strong yogini-inside and out!

Hopefully I'll be meeting up with you ladies in the not too distant future. All the best to you, and of course we'll stay in touch through cyberspace!! xoxox.

5 Insightful Comments:

Tracy said...

you have made me cry..yet again...but it was all worth it!
I am truly humbled..
Love and Light to you my friend~
xxoo (now..i'm going for a run and then some yoga! ha!) :0)!!

(0v0) said...

Awwwww. Knowing our connection feels big to you too makes my day. Thanks, you amazing human!

Your comraderie in this practice brings me all kind of strength and joy...

peaceloveyoga said...

Yay!! Love to you guys!! xoxoxo.

Tiffany said...

Laruga, ah I'm sorry it took me so long to see this! I am SO happy I met you in India and that we had connected so much those months prior. I look at our pics from India quite frequently and can't help but laugh at all the inside jokes we made - and the tears we shared.

I miss you SOOOOOO much and we seriously have to skype one of these days.

Let's keep it real girlfriend. Talk to you soon. XO

peaceloveyoga said...

No worries, Tiff. I know you're never to far away! Love to you!! xoxo.


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