“Be strong then, and enter into your own body;
there you have a sold place for your feet.
Think about it carefully!
Don't go off somewhere else!”
- Kabir
I've stepped away from writing about yoga for a while, even though it has continued to be a strong presence in my daily life. I guess you can say I've been marinating this past year, and I feel ready to share some of my insights. Not that they're gonna be anything earth-shattering. No. Just some little tidbits I've experienced or picked up along the way.
Steadfastly, the beginning of this year, I found a new place of devotion when it came to practice. I became reinvigorated on a different level. With it being my 2nd trip to Mysore, India, 2nd series was the focus this go around. I found new depth, and a different kind of strength. Somehow that happens naturally as the internal forces come alive, and the outer, physical skin, becomes softer and more refined.
Since being in Sweden, DF and I have continued to practice in the early, wee hours of the morning. It has been wonderful practicing with him. We help each other out in our more challenging asanas, while continuing our own flow. In addition, we've practiced with various teachers in the city, and guest teachers who have come through. There are quite a few experienced teachers established in Stockholm, which will be nice once I land my feet here. Previously, I was lucky enough to take a few classes from Certified teahcer, Alex Medin, based out of Oslo, Norway, and recently from long time Authorized teacher Gabriella Pascoli, an Aussie, based out of Goa, India. Both, were absolutely fabulous, and I highly recommend them.
With learning and experiencing a new found depth within the physical practice, it becomes a natural progression to feel compelled to delve deeper into self-study of philosphy (svadhyaya). Simply put, I cannot have one without the other. It's interesting how they balance each other other out, and put everything into proper perspective and light. Everyday seems to open a new door of understanding and wisdom, and becomes an exciting part of the process.
As always, there will be lots to share.
2 Insightful Comments:
Om Peace!
Thank you. Om Shanti to you, Janaki, as well. xoxo.
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