Look Around


Make. It. Count.

(Sara Wayland)

Ah. I'm reveling in wintertime. Quite astonishing. Indeed. Never a fan of winter beforehand, I'm wondering if it has to do with letting go of resistance? Though not totally there. Hahaha. Not by a long shot. It's a nice feeling when no longer having to dislike something, and the even greater part is, I can enjoy it.

Though I've been lazy to pull out my camera in the last several days, the landscape is completely covered with snow. Everything white, even the trees, for they've acquired a thick layer of frost from the blanketing of snow we've had over the past month. Sometimes it takes my breath away, it's so beautiful. Especially on clear days, like today. The contrast of blue sky, and the brightness of the snow, highlights the trees, giving everything a pristine quality.

What's changed is I take the time to look around. Breathe it in. Whereas before, I wouldn't have bothered, thinking, there must be better things to do. Now I realize, what's better than this? I can't think of much. For the key to past unhappiness stems from not enjoying the little moments.

The abundance of Earth's remarkable beauty is staggering.

The inner connectedness felt through yoga practice has a way of changing the course of how the world is viewed. How I decide to live in it. How I decide to be in it. The interconnection runs deep. Nothing is independent of it's self. Everything is weaved together. Everything counts. Everyone. Everything, has it's place. One no more important than another.

Yes. I can read more books and acquire more knowledge. But now, I get the sense, I only need to look. Look around, and deeply understand how everything is connected.

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