"A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul."
You've heard the saying. The only constant is change. When knowing this truth why is there always resistance? I've definitely had it in myself. Coming to terms that nothing ever stays the same is the nature of this reality.
I've found yoga connects us to the part that never changes. The constant, no matter how much we kid ourselves, is what we are striving for.
In terms of transitions it's been evident in the Ashtanga yoga community. With Guruji passing, I've heard much talk about leadership, the practice, and the direction it's going. It's baffling. I haven't understood all the talk and energy around it. Why the worry? Isn't the practice essentially the same? And, didn't Guruji leave us with a suitable successor in his place? Sharath.
Often, I find people invest more time in controversy and gossip versus staying the course with what the practice is about.
Times of transition are times of beauty. We are shown examples of this all the time. The most awe inspiring events are during transitory periods. When the night turns to dawn, and the day turns to dusk. When seasons change. When we're stretched and challenged beyond what we thought possible. When moving from falsehood into truth.
There's bound to be turmoil, with change. And, what I've come to realize is there's no better time for growth and renewal.
When I look back at all the changes that have taken place over the past year I'm left feeling as if it was someone else who experienced it all. Strange. Wondering how the hell I even made it through and survived with some semblance of sanity has been an expansive experience.
Transitions allow us to squeeze the juice of life, and I wanna drink up!
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