Bless, Bless {Goodbye Iceland}


"Bless, bless." How Icelanders say goodbye.

Time moved by so quickly my last week in Iceland I didn't even get a chance to write all that I wanted to. Ahhh. It's crazy. The Midnight Sun! The financial crises! The recent election in Reykjavik! Pool etiquette. Baby carriages parked outside coffee shops with babies in them! Too much to write, too little time ... and most importantly, the wonderful students at Yoga Shala Reykjavik.

What a blur. Already back in Stockholm, I felt the past week pass at lightening speed. Lots to do. Getting settled. Cooking again. When the plane touched down in Arlanda International it honestly felt like coming home. A welcome surprise, for it's still a new place for me in many instances. Everything completely green and fresh. All the trees!!! It was like I had seen them for the first time in my life. Trees are the one thing Iceland does not have very much of. I was in sensory overload I tell you. Sensory overlooooad. The trees and greenery of Sweden during this time of year truly make it special.

I'll tell ya though, Iceland did a number on me in a good way. I don't even know how to explain it. Even my boyfriend has told me over and over again how it feels as if I've changed or shifted. It was a combination of many things. This is my sense. There's a current of energy that courses through Iceland like no other place I've been. I felt it then. I feel it now. One must step out of the environment to feel the affect. I know I'll go back. I'd love to see more of the country. Mystical. Mysterious. Alive with energy. There isn't quite anything like it. I know. I know. I've said this many times, but it's true! My experience there will continue to live in my heart for a long time to come.

The next day back in Stockholm I attended the very last day of the Peter Sanson Workshop at Yoga Shala, Stockholm. What a treat. Peter Sanson, certified by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and relatively unknown is many circles, and very known in others, is yoga teaching at it's very best. He doesn't seem to partake in marketing when it comes to teaching, and does it all in a sincere, quiet manner balanced with utmost attention and intensity. What a lovely human being. Truly humble, low-key, unassuming, and totally devoted. This is the energy I crave in a teacher.

Starting day one of his Ashtanga Yoga practice with Guruji, he has steadily continued keeping it real, by living it in his heart. You can't help but feel it. There's no sense of showiness. Nothing. I felt myself wishing I had more time to spend practicing under his guidance, however I was grateful to have the little bit of time I had. If you ever by chance hear his name, and he is hosted by a yoga studio nearby, run, don't walk, and register. This is authenticity at it's best. Nothing added. Nothing fancy. Real. Unprocessed. Totally pure. Absolutely lovely.

Somehow I've been inspired by the power and energy of Iceland. Subtle yet strong. Back home there is much to take in. Setting wheels into motion. Challenges are a foot, but it's all good. I am thankful for the offerings to learn and grow in every instance. It feels good to be in this place. It feels good to be back home with DF.

Bless, Bless.

1 Insightful Comments:

1. Tracy said...

What a great time of your life LG~ and what I love so much about it that you "savour" every incriment of it ALL~~~~~
Happy to hear you are back ~~home~~ with DF! I can't wait to read about your next adventure...Big Hug to you Both! xx


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