Chakra Bandhāsana


I gotta give thanks to my girl, Tiff, Yogini's Quest. A while back she gave me tips for unassisted Chakra Bandhāsana, and they really helped! Next I'll post a video walking up the legs. I only allow myself one shot, lol.

10 Insightful Comments:

1. Claudia said...

amazing! would love to read the advice... will search your blog :)

2. Ahu said...

hey, what are the tips? :) I have been trying but one hand only gets there, and with the other I cannot make it...

3. Medea said...

Wauw, you are truly an inspiration to look at.

4. Ahu said...

only now I could watch the video, since youtube is blocked here, the alternative way does not always work well. You do it like Kino, nice!

5. Sadie Kaufman said...

So beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration. Watching your practice gives me the fortitude to continue slogging through even when it doesn't flow (like this morning).

6. Boodiba said...

I'd like to be able to do this!

7. Stan said...

Wow! I hear the second hand is really hard/scary. Thanks for posting this - it is fantastic to watch you do it!

8. Tiffany said...

Haha I did give tips? I don't Glad I can help you once for all the six million times you've helped me. I loooove you, will email you back soon.

9. peaceloveyoga said...

Tiff, don't you remember the tips!? Ground the feet, by shifting the weight forward. Practice by grabbing the hard to reach ankle first. I had it embedded in my brain. :)

I'll post the tips in a future blog post for those who are interested.


10. Anonymous said...

Pas mal !


With metta


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