Viparīta Śalabhāsana & Ganda Bherundāsana


2 Insightful Comments:

1. Grimmly said...

Watching this and I can't figure out what's happening. I get an inch, maybe two, away from my head and assumed I needed to bring my legs even further over but you seem to stay at the same place and yet somehow your hips drop and then some more and even some more. As the young man said "Pray, how did you manage to do it?"

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Ahh. Yes. I had the same problem. When I first started exploring Ganda Bherundasana I would get my feet down really low, even to the floor, but getting the feet to the head was not happening ... Until I made the connection from my chest. I started lowering my chest closer to the floor so I then had the proper angle to get the feet to the head.

Make sense? After that it all came together ...



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