Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Class


I just love the beauty and synergy of a Mysore class. Wouldn't you agree?

Winnipeg Yoga Shala

9 Insightful Comments:

1. Tiffany said...

Ahhh, I love this...and I miss this!! Hey, isn't that Jonathan's yoga shala? Is Richard still helping there?

2. StEvE said...

Definitely agree!

I so WISH there was a shala like that in every town. It must be very difficult though, to get us 'wanting-Westerners' to learn the postures progressively. I've often wondered if your average day 1 beginner would ever actually turn up everyday to build up from, say, a 20 minute foundation. As 99.99% of the population have probably never practiced Ashtanga, it must be a real challenge to cover a shala's operating costs.

As an aside, It's a bit of a shame that the YouTube download freezes where it does on your blog. Anyone unfamiliar with the practice will think that someone is about to have their head forcibly removed.

3. Ursula said...

Great video. Everybody according to his/her own possible speed.

4. peaceloveyoga said...

@ Tiff - I'm not sure I've gotta view the video again.

@ Steve - HA! Sooo true. Where the video is frozen does not look so good, lol! Oh well ...

5. Claudia said...


6. HBurb said...

This is at the Winnipeg Yoga Shala -
It is Jonathan's Shala.

7. peaceloveyoga said...

Thank you, I went ahead and added the link! :)

8. Unknown said...

What a small world. I dropped in at the Winnipeg shala this winter on my way through town. A nice place.

9. peaceloveyoga said...

Lovely! The Ashtanga world is definitely small. :)


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