Ūrdhva Kukkutāsana A B C


5 Insightful Comments:

1. Emma said...

you are a pleasure to watch.

2. Tiffany said...

God, you are such a rockstar!! I think you, Kino, and Jess are so amazing to watch - definitely lucky to know you at such a personal level. love u!!

3. Lisa said...

Laruga, thanks so much for all the video posts. Lovely and strong practice! UKB is such a struggle for me still. I'm not sticking the landing yet :( But I keep trying faithfully.

4. Grimmly said...

Yay my favourites, beautifully done. Have you tried the one from handstand, very cool. I find B tricky.

5. peaceloveyoga said...

I've only done the handstand version on several occasions. Maybe if I'm game I'll experiment tomorrow. :)


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