Mysore Program


I am excited to announce I'll be starting a Mysore program at Yogayama, right in the heart of Stockholm! It feels good to be partnered with one of the loveliest studios in the city. A charming space with one of the best vegetarian restaurants around. Who could ask for more?

The schedule is as follows:

Monday - Friday      Mysore                        6:30 - 10:00
Sunday                     Led Primary Series    8:30 - 10:00
Sunday                     Conference                 11:00

Conferences, an added element to the program, will be held on an ongoing basis. All about the 1% theory!

Also there will be one more informational meeting held at Yogayama on Sunday, March 13th at 11:00.

See you there! 

2 Insightful Comments:

1. Shelley said...

congratulations laruga! they are lucky to have you there. enjoy!!!

2. Tiffany said...

Babe, this is so RAD!!! I can't wait to practice with you - 4 weeks!!! xoxo


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