"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go."
(Dr. Seuss)
One thing I haven't made completely clear regarding the cleanse is that all 6 days are really the preparation for the actual cleanse which takes place on the last day. Day 6. So, the prep includes, like I've said before, drinking 1 liter of apple juice everyday, eating a vegan diet, and properly cleansing the colon. The book offers several choices when it comes to colon cleansing, and I opted for the coffee enema. To my disbelief, I was amazed at the list of benefits and healing properties coffee enemas entailed. There is an abundance of information and testimonials on the therapy it's self.
But, what about actually doing it? Well ...
With it being my first time, it wasn't all that bad, and fairly simple. The challenging part came when retaining the 2 quart coffee mixture. Mixture meaning, you brew the coffee, like normal, using only pure water, steam distilled being best, and of course only preparing organic coffee. The optimal retention time is at least 15 minutes, and I was struggling a bit those last few, because of the slight cramping. Thank goodness for yoga practice, because consciously breathing helped.
Afterward? Once everything was evacuated I felt great. There really is something to it, and I'll be curious to see how I feel tomorrow.
I'll be posting more info I found regarding the process of coffee enemas.
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